Gatsometer |
picture 1: Typ 24 on the Zeelandbrug in Holland
picture 2: This radar speed equipment with built-in
microcomputer incorporates the following features :
Offences can be recorded on a photograph using the trafficcamera type ROC
or AUS.
Records the total number of vehicles measured by the radar.
Records the total number of vehicles over the preset threshold.
The system can distinguish between cars and lorries.
Different threshold speeds can be set for cars and lorries.
On the photograph the direction and speed of the vehicle is shown along
with the time and date.
Handwritten information can be shown on the film
picture 3: The Radar 24 can be installed:
as a Fixed Installation Post (FIP) by the side of the road on a hinged
pole or so called up/down pole.
in a trailer.
on a tripod.
in a motor vehicle, it can be used whilst stationary or moving (24-MRC)
Gatsometer B.V.
Claes Tillyweg 2
2031 CW Haarlem, Holland
P.O. box 4959
2003 EZ Haarlem, Holland
Tel. +31 (0)23 - 5255050
Fax. +31 (0)23 -5276961
Email. info@gatso.nl